January 2014
Dear Friends and Family,
All of us want a story that begins, “once upon a time” and
ends “and they lived happily ever after.” The day the tragic motorcycle
accident tore Pastor Paul’s physical presence from this earth, my world
collapsed. My fairytale became a nightmare; my life as I knew it ended. With Pastor Paul’s “promotion to heaven,” our
marriage of twenty-eight years was over. I assumed a new title: widow. “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit
rejoices in God my savior for He has been mindful of the humble state of his
servant.” Luke 1:46
Within the first few months as a single woman, I learned a
lot how to ask for help, personal and family grieving, financial struggle,
preparing meals for one, making major decisions (buying a car, putting a new
roof on my home and remodeling a bathroom), even travelling to Africa alone.
Fearful at first, God gave me discernment and I, accustomed to my independence,
developed a new confidence and conquering spirit. “The Lord is good to those whose
hope is in him, to the one who seeks him.” Lam. 3:25
In June 2012, widower
Jim Turner asked if he could clean my garage, I wasn’t sure if I really wanted
help, the Lord asked me to be open and accept it. Jim’s wife, Peggy succumbed
to a five year battle with breast cancer eighteen months prior; we shared our
grief as we sorted. Through that task and other chores, Jim and I became good
friends and began dating. Jim and I have known each other for twenty-five years,
both of our families attended the same church. Jim’s wife and I were friends;
our children were in the same youth group and he took care of our family as our
chiropractor. God has melted my heart into something he can mold; Jim and I
have fallen deeply in love. So when Jim Turner asked me to marry him at
Yosemite Falls on Christmas Day, I said yes! “Do not be afraid, you will not
suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace, you will not be humiliated. You will forget
the shame of your youth and remember no more the disappointment of your
widowhood.” Isaiah 54:4

My story reminds me of Ruth, Naomi’s daughter-in-law, also
widowed at a young age and fearful of what her future would hold, yet she
remained faithful. We see God’s grace in
the midst of Ruth’s difficult circumstances. God provided Ruth a
kinsman-redeemer; Boaz, to share her future. A hopeless romantic, my faith in
fairytale happy endings has been restored. Jim and I are planning a spring
wedding. My Boaz has come!
Thanks for sharing in our joy –